Money-Back Guarantee

We stand with your family, your school, and our students. Which is why:

如果您的孩子在前30天或6个小时(以先到者为准)的私人辅导或小组课程中,因任何原因不满意, we will refund your money.

To be eligible, your child must a) be enrolled in Private Tutoring (PT) or a Small Group Course (SGC)(“课程”)和b)在课程购买之日起一年内参加至少一(1)节完整课程(时长由课程决定). In the event your child is enrolled in both Private Tutoring and a Small Group Course, you must make any refund request(s) separately, by Program. There are no refunds provided for Back-Up Care Tutoring or Trials.

You acknowledge that by requesting a refund, you are also requesting removal of your child from their current Program. We encourage you to keep in touch with your Revolution Prep team, instead, and voice any concerns when you have them so we can make a better student-tutor match.

Promotions & Discounts

Summer10 Promotion

Summer10 Promo (S10) must be redeemed in one transaction. Minimum purchase requirement of $499 (pre-discount) toward a tutoring package. S10 is not retroactive and cannot be applied to previous purchases. S10 cannot be combined with any other offer, promotion, or discount. S10 has no cash value and cannot be redeemed for cash or transferred. S10 is valid from May 1, 2024, through June 30, 2024.

School Promotions

We occasionally invite schools to participate in discounts and/or special offers on our programs. These School Promotions are exclusive for families enrolled at participating schools and they cannot be transferred. School Promotions cannot be combined with any other offer, promotion, or discount. School Promotions have no cash value and cannot be redeemed for cash.

Discounts for School Staff & Military Personnel

To school staff and active military personnel, we believe your industries ask a lot of you, and we appreciate it. So we’re giving back. Any person who can provide documentation of their current standing, membership, or employment as a faculty, school staff, or active military member is eligible to receive 50% off a Small Group Course for themself or a family member. Discounts for School Staff & Military Personnel cannot be combined with any other offer, promotion, or discount.

Program Policies

Trial Terms and Conditions

Revolution Prep Trials (“Trial” or “Trials”) are available to first-time tutoring students only. If the student has enrolled in any tutoring program with Revolution Prep (e.g., Private Tutoring, Academics, etc.) they are no longer eligible to enroll in a Trial. A student may only enroll in one Trial ever. 

Trials consist of two, 1-hour long private tutoring sessions with a Revolution Prep professional tutor. All trials expire within 14 days after purchase, therefore the hours must be scheduled and consumed within 14 days of purchase. 试验仅限于一个主题,并且两个1小时的会议必须针对在注册和导师匹配过程中选择的同一主题进行. The Trial will be delivered by one Revolution Prep tutor, the same tutor for both sessions. The two 1-hour sessions must be scheduled prior to the start of the Trial program. The session times will be selected from the available times by the purchaser at the time of enrollment. 

Once Trial sessions are scheduled, 学生须于上课时间前至少48小时,透过 Student Dashboard. 如果学生没有提前至少48小时取消或重新安排预定的课程,或者学生未能出席预定的课程, the session will be deducted from the student’s account and cannot be added back.  

Due to the deep discount of the Trial, refunds are not permitted on any Trial purchase. 

As part of conducting the highest quality programs with every student, Revolution Prep’s Professional Tutors end each session 5 minutes before the scheduled finish time. This is critical so that they can update each student’s goals and prepare parent update communication. 

Private Tutoring Policies

Revolution Prep private tutoring can be purchased in packages of 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 80, and 100 hours. The minimum purchase is a 12-hour package, which will incur a non-refundable $199 enrollment fee. Packages of 24 hours or greater will have the enrollment fee waived.

Purchasing a private tutoring package reserves the time with the designated professional tutor. As such, all tutoring sessions will be scheduled prior to the start of the program, at times mutually agreeable to all tutoring clients and the Revolution Prep tutor(s). Therefore, refunds to private tutoring hours, unless it falls within our Tutoring Satisfaction Guarantee, are not available. Customers may request a store credit for any unused Private Tutoring Hours. Revolution Prep Store Credit may be used toward any Revolution Prep program, including those for another past, present, or future student. If hours are being transferred to another student, hours will be prorated at the time of transfer at the tutoring tier rate of the tutor assigned to the new student. Minimum purchase policies apply and any hours purchased below 24 will result in a one-time $199 enrollment fee.

Once tutoring sessions are scheduled, 学生有责任在预定辅导时间至少48小时前取消预定的辅导课程,并且必须直接与指定辅导课程的导师联系. If a student does not cancel a scheduled session at least 48 hours in advance, he or she will be charged in full for that session. If students do not attend any scheduled session, they are not entitled to a refund or individual make-up session.

As part of conducting the highest quality programs with every student, Revolution Prep’s Professional Tutors end each session 5 minutes before the appointed finish time. This is critical so that they can update each student’s goals, prepare parent update communication, and identify the best session materials for the following meeting with that student.

For programs that require tutors to work outside of session time on custom material, such as reviewing a student’s written work to provide feedback, reviewing and preparing for specific science laboratory design that is unique to that student’s class, or developing and conducting a custom course from scratch for that private tutoring student, tutors reserve the right to deduct tutoring hours for that custom preparation work. In those cases, tutors will contact the client ahead of time before performing that custom work and deducting the time.

Academic Tutoring Policies

Revolution Prep Academics tutoring can be purchased in packages of 10, 20, 30, and 40 hours. The minimum purchase is a 10-hour package. A 2-hour trial is available for new Academics students only. One trial per student.

Purchasing an Academics tutoring package does not automatically reserve the time with the designated professional tutor. As such, it is highly recommended to schedule all hours at the start of the program. A Revolution Prep representative will help schedule hours for the student, or the student may schedule hours via their Student Dashboard. All sessions are delivered 1-on-1 and in 30-minute or 1-hour increments in the given subject.

学术课程中的科目仅限于所有标准的小学和初中科目以及以下高中科目.S. Government, U.S. History, World History, Algebra I, Algebra II, Pre-Algebra, Geometry, and Biology.

Once tutoring sessions are scheduled, 学生必须提前至少48小时取消已安排的补习课程,并且必须直接与指定的导师联系或从 Student Dashboard. If a student does not cancel a scheduled session at least 48 hours in advance, he or she will be charged in full for that session.

Refunds to Academics hours, unless it falls within our Tutoring Satisfaction Guarantee, are not available. Customers may request a store credit for any unused Academics Hours. Revolution Prep Store Credit may be used toward any Revolution Prep program, including those for another past, present, or future student. If hours are being transferred to another student, hours will be prorated at the time of transfer for the program and at the tutoring tier rate of the tutor assigned to the new student. Minimum purchase policies apply for the new program.

As part of conducting the highest quality programs with every student, Revolution Prep’s Professional Tutors end each session 5 minutes before the appointed finish time. This is critical so that they can update each student’s goals, prepare parent update communication, and identify the best session materials for the following meeting with that student.

Students may self-schedule their sessions on their tutor’s calendar by visiting the “Schedule” tab of their Student Dashboard. It is highly recommended to schedule out all sessions with the Tutor immediately after purchase.

Students may purchase Academics in one or more subjects, as long as the subject is within the available Academics subjects. Students may work with more than one tutor in the Academics program.

Pay As You Go会让你的家人可以灵活地安排未来的课程,以便预留时间和你的导师在一起. 打开“随用随付”或自动更新功能,当你的孩子剩下1小时或更少的时间,并且有一个预定的未来课程时,你的帐户将自动补充10个小时的辅导时间. You can easily turn off Pay As You Go by contacting your Advisor. Hours may be used with any Academics tutor or for any subject within the available Academics subjects.

Revolution Prep has the highest commitment to providing quality programs for every student. In rare circumstances, a professional tutor may need to be removed from an Academics assignment. Revolution Prep will rematch all impacted students with a professional tutor qualified in the subject and with similar availability.

We may make changes to these Terms from time to time by notifying you of such changes by any reasonable means, including by posting the revised Terms on the applicable Revolution Prep Service. Your use of the Revolution Prep Service following any changes to these Terms will constitute your acceptance of such changes.

Group Tutoring Policies

These policies apply to the following Revolution Prep products: Small Group Classes, Executive Functioning, Group Course, Small Group Course, and Graduate Level Courses.

Group Tutoring programs have various enrollment caps. Revolution Prep reserves the right to adjust the maximum number of student enrollments per course.

Students may enroll in a Revolution Prep Group Tutoring program up until the start date of the program. Revolution Prep reserves the right to cancel any Group Tutoring program. Factors outside of Revolution Prep’s control may affect session schedules. In such events, we do our best to schedule a convenient make-up class; however, we cannot guarantee a make-up session will be scheduled or that the make-up will fit the schedule of every student. In cases of entire course cancellation, 受影响的家庭将在小组辅导计划开始前至少5天得到通知,革命预科将与受影响的学生一起安排另一个小组辅导计划. In rare instances, another Group Tutoring program may not be available to meet the needs of the student.

客户必须在更改/取消注册截止日期前提出取消或更改团体辅导注册的要求, which is two weeks prior to the start of any Group Tutoring program. Revolution Prep strives to provide the best quality experience possible for all of our customers, and to uphold this quality, we reserve our professional tutors’ time for an entire Group Tutoring program duration. As such, enrollment changes cannot be made after the Enrollment Change/Cancellation Deadline. After that point, a student’s enrollment is locked and their seat permanently reserved. 任何在截止日期之后的申请将不会被审查或处理,并且由于延迟注册(在小组辅导计划开始日期前两周内或之后注册)或错过课程,将不会按比例或退款. 受Revolution Prep取消的团体辅导计划影响的学生,可以在注册变更/取消截止日期后提出退款要求.

As part of conducting the highest quality group course programs, Revolution Prep’s Professional Tutors end each session 5 minutes before the appointed finish time. This is critical so that they can update each student’s goals, prepare parent update communication, and identify the best session materials for the following class meeting.

Practice Exam Policies

In the event that a school or Revolution Prep cancels a special event practice test, 本次考试的所有费用都被视为捐赠给主办方或选择的组织(由主办方决定),并且不予退还. If requested, Revolution Prep will mail a practice test and scoring instructions to the student.

Refund Policies

Refund requests may be submitted according to the policies outlined in the Revolution Prep product’s policies. Once refund requests have been submitted in writing, they will be reviewed to determine if they are in accordance with the enrolled product’s terms. If in line with the enrolled product’s terms, refunds will be processed on the card on file. Once requested, refunds typically take 7-10 business days to process.

Session Recordings

All sessions are recorded and may be viewed for quality assurance and training purposes. Upon special request, recordings of a session may be distributed to enrolled students in case of absence or review.

Non-solicitation Agreement

By becoming a Revolution Prep customer, you agree that you will not solicit for employment, hire, or engage as an independent contractor, or permit any organization directly or indirectly controlled by you to solicit for employment, hire, or engage as an independent contractor, any person employed by Revolution Prep at any time during the term of Revolution Prep’s provision of services to you. Any additional services desired of a Revolution Prep employee may be requested through Revolution Prep at 1-877-738-7737.

Privacy Policies

Privacy policy

Revolution Prep takes your privacy seriously, and we take strong measures to protect it. 我们可能会偶尔使用您的联系信息来通知您特别优惠和促销活动,我们接受电子邮件退订请求. Unsubscribe requests may take up to 72 hours for processing. You may receive an email within this time frame until your unsubscribe request has been processed. We don’t share the information you have given us without your permission to do so.

Revolution Prep does not release personal information to third parties; however, Revolution Prep may infrequently, if at all, 代表另一家我们认为在教育和大学准备领域提供有益服务的公司通过邮件与您联系.

Information We Collect

We collect personally identifiable information from you when you purchase our products or services. Revolution Prep only requests information that we need in order for you to participate in the service (for example, your name and address) or pay for the service (credit card information). Your information will be saved as needed using standard, PCI compliant security methods. We do not share your credit card information with any third parties except to the extent needed to process your transaction.

We may track data on our customers in aggregate form. Such aggregated data does not uniquely identify you.

We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Website. These companies may use information (not including your name, 地址、电子邮件地址或电话号码),以便向您提供您感兴趣的商品和服务的广告. 如果您想了解更多bat365这种做法的信息,并了解您可以选择不让这些公司使用这些信息, click here.


We work with schools and institutions to provide our test preparation programs. Revolution Prep可能会分享您通过与学校一起参与这些学校项目而提供给我们的个人身份信息, district and parents. In addition, your school may require us to share your information with others legally entitled to access your academic records, such as your state department of education.

To increase quality of instruction, Revolution Prep将与学生的学校辅导员和/或适当的管理人员共享出勤记录和实践测试结果, who also have access to a student’s official test scores. Those with access to such records have agreed to maintain confidentiality. If statistics are released to non-authorized individuals, we will remove any identifying information.

Sharing of Information

The privacy of individual user data for school administrators, teachers, parents, and students is always respected and protected. We will never disclose, sell, or rent personal information that identifies any of our students without specific authorization to do so. Only the student, the teacher, the school administration, and the parent(s) have access to this information. Each school has agreed to maintain the confidentiality of this information. Revolution Prep保留发布综合业绩信息的权利,前提是这些信息不能按地区识别个人身份, school or individual students and teachers.

Marketing Lists

From time to time, we obtain lists of people who may be interested in our products and services from third-party marketing list suppliers. We use these lists to send direct marketing promotions. We do our best to only obtain these lists from suppliers who have opt-in policies for third-party marketing, but we are not responsible for the conduct and policies of these suppliers. 请注意,即使您是我们的客户,并要求我们不要使用您提供给我们的信息来发送促销材料, a third-party marketing list supplier could still provide us with your name and address, in which case you will receive the promotional material sent by us to others on the supplier’s list.

Promotional SMS Opt-In

By submitting your phone number and opting to receive text messages from Revolution Prep, you consent to receive marketing text messages (e.g. promotions, cart reminders, communications from your Academic Advisor, etc.) from us at the number you provided.

SMS consent is not a condition of purchase. Message and data rates may apply, and message frequency varies. You may unsubscribe at any time by replying “STOP”.

We will not share your information with any third party.

Changes in Our Policy

We reserve the right to change or remove this Privacy Policy at our discretion. We will post any new policy here and we encourage you to visit this area frequently to stay informed.


Though we make every effort to preserve it, we cannot guarantee your privacy. Further, 我们可能需要在法律要求时披露个人信息,并且我们真诚地相信此类行动是遵守司法程序所必需的, a court order or legal process served on us or a law enforcement request.

Contact Us

Revolution Prep
10000 Washington Blvd., Suite 600
Culver City, CA 90232

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© 2023 Revolution Prep. All rights reserved.

Revolution Prep’s Policies and Terms and Conditions are subject to change at any time without prior written notice.






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